CleanBC Community Energy Coach & Indigenous Community Energy Coach

2019 – 2024

In partnership with the Province of BC and Origin Sustainable Design & Planning, City Green has designed and delivered an innovative incentive and support program for communities to support energy literacy and facilitate rebate uptake across the province.  Reaching thousands of homeowners and supporting the installation of hundreds of heat pumps, this initiative is a key component of the CleanBC plan.

Since it’s launch, the Community Energy Coach has supported over 1,000 heat pump installations via the Group Purchase Rebate Program, reached an audience of over 2,000 via webinars and workshops. The webinars have been well received, with 82% of attendees indicating the webinars were helpful, 87% saying they would recommend the webinars, and 68% indicating the webinar was important in their decision to install a heat pump.

The Indigenous Community Energy Coach has supported over 65 Indigenous communities and is supporting additional, aligned, program offerings for Indigenous communities across British Columbia.

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